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Emergencies Home > Our Services > Emergencies
In an Emergency!

Hung Hom Veterinary Clinic provides a 24 hour emergency service for our registered clients. If your pet has a sudden problem such as a fall or a road accident, or a condition worsens, you can call for advice or help. If it is necessary to see your pet we will arrange to meet you at the clinic for treatment.

Contact Us

Call us on our usual normal phone number, 2330 7566. You will hear a message giving the number of the nurse who is on call. The nurse can speak Cantonese, Putonghua and English. Describe the problem to them. They will give you first aid advice and call the vet on duty to plan the next steps.

We know it can be very worrying when a pet is ill at night and you are not sure what to do. If you think this is a true emergency or you are really not sure, call our duty nurse and describe what has happened.

If the problem is not serious or you just want to ask about fees or appointments, please be patient and wait until 9am. A well rested nurse will then be able to spend time with you and answer all your questions! We do not have a separate night staff team. Emergency care is provided by day staff in addition to their day time duties.

Coming to the clinic

Do not rush to the clinic without calling first. There may not be anyone there to help you. Once the nurse has talked to the vet on duty, the nurse will call you and advise the next steps. If the vet thinks your pet needs to be seen immediately we will arrange an out of hours appointment. There are considerable extra costs involved in providing this service and an additional fee will be charged. Please respect this as an emergency service and not a convenience for minor problems.

What is an emergency?

It is not possible to describe every emergency. Often the vet cannot tell if a case is an emergency over the phone. If in doubt we will see your pet. There are some problems which you do need to call us about immediately.

  • Road accidents. An injured pet should be carried in a bed, box or on a board.
  • Falling from a height.
  • Bleeding. Persistent or excessive bleeding.
  • A suddenly swollen stomach with difficulty breathing or retching.
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhoea especially with blood
  • Sudden weakness or drowsiness
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Severe burns or scalds
  • An eye out of its socket
  • Snake bite
  • Not able to pass urine
  • Large open wounds
  • Problems giving birth
  • Severe lameness or paralysis
  • Paralysis of hind legs or all 4 legs
  • Severe pain

If you suspect your dog has been poisoned particularly in the Bowen Road or Black Links Road area on HK Island, do not delay. Take your dog as quickly as possible to the nearest clinic, usually in Happy Valley. Our clinic may take too long to get to. You can call us for advice or directions while you transport your dog to the clinic.