Senior HealthCare Plan

Is your pet really old?
Did you know most dogs and cats are

New Patients

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Post-op Care Home > Patient Support > Post-op Care

When you leave your pets with us for an operation or any procedure, we will call you later in the day to arrange a time for you to collect them. This discharge appointment will be with a trained veterinary nurse or the vet. We will discuss the results of the procedure and what after care is needed and plan the next steps with you. For common procedures we have prepared some after care information sheets.

Remember if you are worried, or want to clarify something, call the clinic and talk to a nurse about your concerns. They will listen to you and pass this message to the vets on duty. The vet will respond immediately if the problem is urgent and in any case within the same day. Our phone number is 2330 7566. After hours, call this number and follow the message.

We hope this helps you to look after your pet after an operation because we care for what matters, the health of your pets.