Senior HealthCare Plan

Is your pet really old?
Did you know most dogs and cats are

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A list of what treatments are needed and when to do them

Congratulations on your new kitten. Bring your kitten for a body check in the first week and we will check it is healthy. From there we will plan your kitten’s health care programme. A typical plan might be.

First day 6-12 weeks old

Body check

Advice about care

1-2 weeks later 8-12 weeks old First vaccine
4 weeks later 12 weeks old Start monthly flea control
Second vaccine
16 weeks old Last/second vaccine
1-2 months later 20-25 weeks old Deworm
From 6 months Neutering operationflea treatments
Deworm every 3 months
1 year later 1yr 3 months

First booster vaccine

Body check

Every kitten is different and we will tailor the program to your kittens needs
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