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Healthy Pet Care

We do a lot more than just take care of your pets when there are problems! Every healthy pet needs a vet to ensure they get the best from life. Taking care of healthy pets is a very important role for your vet.

Pet Vaccinations

Infectious, possibly fatal, viral diseases such as distemper and parvovirus are common in Hong Kong. Effective vaccines are available to prevent these diseases. Every pet is different, so we will plan the best programme for your pet, whether a new puppy or a senior! (cat vaccination, dog vaccination)

Dog Licenses and Rabies vaccination

The rabies vaccine is given when your puppy is 5 months old. Your puppy will be examined and a microchip implanted to identify him as your dog. We will apply for your dog license. You can collect the license from the clinic 3 months later. Remember this is required by Hong Kong Law for ALL dogs. (Rabies)

Parasite prevention

Your pet is at risk of infection by many different parasites, including worms and mites. As part of being a responsible owner it is important to control these infections, which can, in rare cases, infect people. There are many different treatments available. We will help you choose the most effective, safe parasite control to match your own needs for dogs or cats.

Heartworm Prevention

Heartworm is transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes. It can get in the blood stream and travel to the major blood vessels from the heart to the lungs. Here it can cause severe problems. Heartworm prevention is done by using monthly tablets; spot on treatments or by annual injection.

Pet Neutering (De-Sexing)

This is an important way to prevent many diseases in older pets. It will prevent unwanted pregnancies and reduce anti-social and sexual behaviour. It helps to improve the obedience and behaviour of male dogs. This operation can be done at any age, but around 6 months old is the best age for dog neutering, and cat neutering.

Pregnancy Diagnosis

We can use our ultrasound machine to diagnose pregnancy in your pets. You may even be able to see pictures of the unborn babies and take home a copy of the video or still images that we have recorded.

Body checks

Every pet should have a body regular check. We will examine your pet fully for any problems that you may not be aware of. There are certain life stages when this is most important:

  • New Puppy Check: Every new puppy should have a body check in the first few days after coming home with you. This can alert you to unknown problems and ensure your puppy has the best possible start at home with you.
  • Annual body check: Every pet should be examined once a year, this is often combined with the annual vaccinations.
  • Senor Health Checks: Once a pet is 8 years old the risk of problems is higher so the body check can be combined with blood and urine tests for early detection of problems. We also run a formal Senior HealthCare Program.


Nutritional Advice

There is a huge variety of petfoods and “health supplements” available in Hong Kong, imported from many different countries. This causes a lot of confusion and problems. What a pet eats has a great effect on health. We recommend feeding a reliable and reputable brand of food suitable for the lifestage of your pet. We stock Hills and Royal Canin petfoods and will advise which variety is suitable and how much to feed for each lifestage diet. We can also advise what supplements if any are actually needed.

Pet Travel

Going to Japan or Europe with your dog? This needs careful planning and a lot of preparation. We can help you meet the different requirements for vaccinations, blood tests and health certificates. Discuss your travel plans well in advance (9 months ahead for Japan!) with our vets.

Pet Insurance

We recommend that you get insurance to cover your pets healthcare costs. Life has unexpected turns and if the costs of a serious health problem are covered by insurance it can be a great relief at a difficult time.